Reviews – Tiara

• Samantha McClintock •  Tiara is about a girl named Tiara who learns she’s not who she thought she was. Wow, I can’t even imagine that. What she finds out, eventually, is that she’s a survivor, like in that song. When she goes from an awesome family and a super house into a rotten foster home with a monster foster father, and then ends up in a new school full of mean kids, she thinks her life is over. Eventually figures out who she is – and that she’s OK. A really good book. I give it 5 stars.

• Ariana Stravinski •  Tiara lost her identity when she was born and got adopted when she was not even one day old. So did I. I could really relate to her. I was rooting for her all through the book. I’m not going to be a spoiler and give away the ending, so I’ll just say I loved the book. She sure went through a lot of bad stuff, but she comes out alright, thank heavens.

• Ana Lia Santana • Tiara (the girl) was almost too good. She never even thought about doing something she shouldn’t. I kept wishing she’d be a little more rebellious, a little more disruptive. Good story, though. She did kind of turn into a badass, after all. I’ll tell my friends about it.