

When hiring an editor you want the “persnicketiest” editor you can find—the one who will, of course, remedy your typos, correct your punctuation, catch factual errors, and suggest a better word or phrase. She will also point out any holes in the story, any weaknesses in character development and story arc, and offer solutions. She will strengthen, refine, and enhance your story. If your book is nonfiction, she will do the same for your information and instruction. The goal is to ready your book for publication, traditional or self-published. You want an editor who is technically astute and pays attention to detail, i.e: persnickety.

I’m your gal.

Now is not the time to go cheap. You’ve poured your heart and soul into your manuscript. You’ve spent untold hours researching, writing, rewriting, and self-editing—perfecting it to the best of your ability. You already have a huge investment in it, even at minimum wage. Now you’ll want to protect your investment with the best editor to ensure a professional publication. You’ll want a second set of (persnickety) eyes to go over it.

That old saying, You get what you pay for, has never been truer. I may not be the least expensive, but I am the persnicketiest.

About Editing

Most people don’t understand editing. It seems like an unnecessary expense. “Anyone can edit.” They may say, “Oh, I’ll have Cousin Suzy do it. She’s an English teacher.” I’ve edited the manuscripts of plenty of English teachers and, trust me, they need a persnickety editor as much as anyone.

Editing is a specialized profession requiring years and decades to learn and perfect. Book editing is a time-consuming and labor-intensive undertaking.

A good editor is a writer’s best friend and a valued literary guide. That’s why, when you read the Acknowledgments Page in a book, the author waxes poetic about all the help the editor provided in producing the finished product.

I care as much about your book as you do.


4¢ – 7¢ per word

My editing fee is based on the condition of the manuscript, from per word, for the smallest amount of fixing, to per word for the most. I not only go over each word and phrase, every punctuation mark (and the lack thereof), every sentence and paragraph, chapter titles, et cetera, a minimum of three times, looking for different issues each time, I also consider the book in its entirety. Finally, I include a final proofreading to ensure flawlessness.

I advise authors to learn their craft, including correct punctuation and grammar, and present as perfect a manuscript to your editor at the outset as you can. It’ll make life easier for both author and editor.